-According to the Mayan age @ conception: girl
-Having dry hands: boy
-Not eating heels of bread loaves: girl
-Pencil on a string test: 2 out of 3 times boy
-Cravings being sweet or salty: completely unsure...at the beginning it was all salty, now Al will eat anything!
-If dad gains weight along with mom its a boy: boy
-Being nauseous: girl
-Higher heart rate of baby: girl
-Prefer sleeping on left side: boy
-Being moody: girl
You're guess is as good as Brad and Al's! It seems to be about 50/50.
As for other pregnancy related news, Al is feeling much better now that she has reached 5 months but those first four months were No Fun! She is also expanding. This is obviously to be expected but Al does have some size issues. She also has issues with maternity clothes, namely that she thinks they are disgusting and that the expense of such a limited-use wardrobe is ridiculous. She did finally break down and order some comfy looking yoga pants and tank tops so that she can begin exercising again. She also thinks that last night was the Last Night for wearing her jeans. The old ponytail holder trick was no longer comfortable.
Brad has been most helpful throughout these first five months, indulging Al when she wants to eat Subway six days in a row and most recently he went along on a Purely Maid cleaning trip to help Al and Tosha clean! What a trooper!
As for movements of the tiny one, the verdict is still out on that one...Veteran mothers say they feel like tiny flutters or gas bubbles but this mother-to-be isn't sure that those tiny feelings aren't just that - gas bubbles! Hopefully these movements will become more pronounced in the next few weeks to clear up any confusion.
There are big plans in the works for the room that will be the nursery. It started out as the spare bedroom/craft room/dress clothes storage/home gym room but it is now mostly empty, except for the treadmill and bed. The next step will be to choose a wall color and paint, then refinish the wood floors, replace the floorboards and light fixture. Then in May comes the really fun part which is the trip to Ikea for furniture! Al is taking trusted friend (with great interior design sense) brooke along for advice and guidance.
Brad and Al are still accepting all name suggestions, as there are no clear cut leaders. It may become more obvious once the sex is determined. A big thanks to those who regularly send name ideas. Brad does need to keep in mind that Al will probably not go along with any name that can be confused with a common noun. So when she asks him for name ideas, it does NOT do any good to look around a room and start naming things that he sees:)
In other news...not much, really! Brad and Al did finally decide to adopt one of their wieners, Bailey. Coco was adopted by a kind family in Council Bluffs and is doing extremely well there with their other two dogs. Bailey is doing great and Luther is tolerating her permanency.
Both Brad and Al stay very busy with their full time jobs. Brad has been playing his drums at different venues across town on the weekends and seems to enjoy this very much. Al has been staying at home most of those evenings, as bars are not much fun when you're bursting out of your pants and vodka is a no-no.
Al's cleaning business, Purely Maid, is booming right now! The state of the economy apparently doesn't affect how much people dislike cleaning their own homes:) Fingers crossed that this will not change! If any of you readers DO like to clean, PM may be looking for helper elves in the near future, so...stay tuned!
Now that you're all caught up, remember to check back to see if Baby Van will be a Timmy or a Sally! (or maybe a Skeletor?)