Look at that GROWN UP baby!!! Willa is 4 and a half months old! (If you thought I was talking about Brad or I, we are 28 and 29 years old, respectively.) Her hobbies include putting her toes in her mouth, petting Luther's ears, and licking beverage containers when they are cold and wet. Some of her favorite things are toys that vibrate, her grandparents, Thirsties diaper covers and chewing gum. In all seriousness, Willa just may be the most laid back, easy to care for baby on earth. We also think she is the cutest and the smartest but I'm sure there are a few of you out there with the same claims on your own tiny tots. She is growing like a stinkin' weed! At her 4 month check up, she was 26 inches and very close to 14 pounds! I have had to pack away so many adorable outfits with the tags still on them, as there aren't enough days in each size to wear them all!
Much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving...The addition to the family, our fantastic health, amazing friends, having income in the challenged economy, and the tasty leftovers that Grandma Cindy sent us home with:)