Killigan's Show Friday night @ Duffy's. Shawn, Brad, and
Sarah Palin? (Al not pictured because she was at work. She was a little disappointed in her husband, being photographed with a Republican. Ha!)

Saturday night - preparing to leave for the 3rd Annual Halloween Party @ Chris and Mel's. Mama Cindy took some pictures of the Flinstone costumes she so expertly crafted. And of the "guys" from Strange Brew:)

Brad and Liz Hoffman

Melanie and Chris Nebesniak...Had something to do with the movie Kingpen? It would probably help Al understand if she had seen it, but Chris did look a lot like the guy on the movie cover!

Bert and Ernie. They look like such good friends!

Poor baby Ian. Look what happens when you give his mom a dry erase marker and some vodka!

Do you wonder a little bit if Zach and Shawn are wearing costumes? Well, they are!

Fred, Ernie and Bert

Blimey! Its the crocodile hunter and his favorite prey!

Sucking straight from the bottle and the...tupperware?!? Prehistoric drinking methods.

Al seemed to be passing around shots in about two-thirds of the Halloween pictures. How generous:)
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