Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you ever want to just squeeze babies till they pop and baby juice comes out of them???

According to Facebook, this is a pretty popular picture of Peanut Van Boening. And some people (eh hem...Amy) don't have a Facebook account. Those are the people who actually get things done in their free time:) So here she is! At the moment this picture was taken by papa, she was very amused by the fact that he was late for work. Again. She has quite the sense of humor for an almost-five-month old!


Amy said...

Ahhh! What an ADORABLE little girl! You do just want to squeeze her!!! Thank you for posting it for us uncool people not on Facebook.

allisonluth34 said...

No no. Not uncool. Wise. Intellegent. Resourceful users of time.