Once again, it is approaching Lincoln Marathon time. And once again, I feel unprepared. I do this to myself every time. I set these goals, that for me are possibly a smidge too big. I start out all gung-ho and then just sort of fizzle out. I initially had planned to run the full marathon this year. When registration time came, I was doing a pretty good job of following the training schedule but I chickened out and registered for the half. Which is still a big undertaking, don't get me wrong. Then all the stuff with the house-selling started happening and I allowed myself to make all kinds of excuses. Plus, the weather has been less than optimal for someone like me, who is a VERY fair-weather runner. More excuses. I registered for the State Farm 10 mile run to give myself a kick in the pants, which worked for awhile. I'm actually shocked that I even ran the race, as it was super cold and snowing heavily by the end of the race, but it was fun. Brad took a picture of me crossing the finish line (which I don't plan to share) and I look like I was walking and my face is all contorted weirdly, as it was frozen. So were my hands and they looked like dinosaur claws. My time was significantly slower than I would have liked it to be, but I'm just glad I finished. So at the start of this week, I was feeling kind of proud of myself and I thought maybe I should take a few days of rest before really hitting the marathon training schedule hard again. Well, that was 6 days ago and I have yet to work out in any way. DANG IT!!!!! I am going to take the advice of all of the self-help/improvement blogs that I frequent and make a public commitment to a goal for accountability...I AM GOING TO RUN EVERY DAY FROM NOW UNTIL THE MARATHON. That means starting April 3 and not taking a day off until May 2nd. Scratch that. I will at least go for a long walk on May 2nd and then see about taking this goal up again. Even if my every day runs are only a mile or 2, I will run daily. Got it?!?
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